Cassidy's preschool took an end-of-the-year field trip to Wagner Farm, one of our favorite local

places to visit.

Cassidy was very lucky to have two special people join her as chaperons on the trip - Grammy and Grandpa Brown! I stayed back with Gavin and got some things accomplished at home during his morning nap. Meanwhile, Cassidy had so much fun showing Grammy and Grandpa her classroom

and introducing them to her wonderful teachers. They all rode the big yellow school bus together and spent an hour or so getting within a nose's reach of the horses, piglets, cows, chickens, geese, and sheep. The kids also got to make homemade butter and shuck corn to feed the animals (Cassie's favorite part). Even though we visit the farm often, it was nice for Cassidy to go with her

classmates and also to have the special guided tour from the great staff there. It was also very special for her to go with her Grammy and Grandpa!