Monday, April 9, 2018

Easter 2018

We had a lovely Easter celebration while we were down in Florida for spring break.  But before we left, we had some Easter fun at home too.  We dyed Easter eggs, and we attended our street's annual Easter egg hunt that's put on by some fun neighbors.  One of the dads always dresses up like the Easter bunny so kids can take pictures...Tyler still isn't so sure about that bunny.
In Florida, we had a few more egg hunts...Grammy Brown sent me with some Easter goodies for the kids, so we had fun hiding those and watching the kids scramble around to find them!  Thanks Grammy!  Grandma and Grandpa Reder also did an egg hunt in their yard once the Burkholders arrived, so all the cousins went out for their hunt together.  It's all great fun.  Of course the Easter bunny came on Easter morning for all the kiddos, and we had a lovely morning at church with a delicious brunch to follow.  Happy Easter!

Our great Lawndale neighbor, keeping it festive!

Tyler and his buddy James found a bundle of eggs


Tyler found the special egg that rewarded him with this big stuffed bunny!  He joined us on the plane ride down to Florida later that afternoon!

Easter egg hunt put on by The Villages

Dyeing eggs with cousins

Egg hunt in the yard!

Family photo, Easter morning 2018

Grandma and Grandpa Reder with 6 of their 8 grandkids - miss you, Hardings!