Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Off and Running...

Cassie hit a big milestone this week - she's an official walker! She took a few first steps about a month ago, but since then she has melted down to her knees as soon as Erik or I take away the pinkie finger that she's been gripping onto so tightly as she walks from place to place. At her 15-month check-up last week, her doctor and I were discussing the usual milestones for her age, and I mentioned that she still prefers to shimmy around on her knees rather than walk on her own two feet. At first the doctor had a look of concern, which in turn gave me a moment of panic. But seconds later, after taking a peek at Cassie's muscle tone and observing her for a few moments, she laughed and said, "Give it 1 week - she'll be all over the place." Here we are, 3 days later, and she is gleefully taking off across the room, so proud of her accomplishment. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of her, too! Here are a couple videos of her showcasing her new skill. I'll give a warning that she is only wearing half an outfit - she walks best unencumbered by those silly pants and socks!