Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gavin Turns 3!

What fun we had celebrating Gavin's 3rd birthday!  We had a wonderful get-together with family.  Grammy and Grandpa Brown and the Tieman family all came over for brunch and cake.  We were lucky to have a bright sunny day, so we played in the backyard together and tried out one of Gavin's gifts (a fun stomp rocket!).  Gavin also had a special day at pre-school for his birthday.  I got to join his class for snacktime to help them sing him happy birthday, and he wore a special birthday crown.  He took such pride in telling me how things were done there - he showed me where to throw my napkin away and how to push in my chair.  Such a big boy.

Time sure flies, and we can't believe little Gavin is 3 years old!  We love you, Gavin!

Ready to dig into his lion cake
Sibling that a hug or a headlock?
Trying the stomp worked much better in the backyard!
Funny faces!
Playing with cousin Jackson
With Grammy and Grandpa Brown
The birthday boy at pre-school!