Monday, September 28, 2015

Early Fall Adventures

We've had a nice start to Fall!  Below are some of the things that have been keeping us busy...

We tried a new frozen custard spot in Evanston - it was delicious!

Gavin is enjoying Fall soccer (and happened to get Mommy's old lucky number, 4!)

We had a fun trip to the Museum of Science & Industry...
Always love those hatching baby chicks!

A father/son Bears outing

Erik took Cassie and Gavin on their first bike ride to the lakeshore (about 2 miles away)

We spent a day at Grammy and Grandpa's celebrating all the September birthdays in our family!
All the cousins with Grammy

And here are some other fun moments from our fall days...

Tyler has a weekly playdate with these 2 great buddies.
The boys love to play in the basement where the laundry shoot ends!
Gavin's 1st grade class led the weekly school-wide church service 
A writing sample from Gavin in September, Grade 1
A fun trip to the pumpkin patch with the Scullys!
Tyler always like to help
Cassidy continues her artwork - she draws everyday.
Tyler insisted we take a photo of his beloved Bunny.
Silly kids!
Lastly, we were very excited to move Erik's childhood piano into our home.  We are grateful to Mary & Don for passing it along to us.  It's beautiful, and Erik has been enjoying playing it once again.  Also, Cassidy is in her first year of lessons so it's been fun for them to play and learn together.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Day of School, 2015!

The next school year has arrived!  3rd grade, 1st grade and "Turning 3's" pre-school - here we come!