Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring is Arriving!

The month of April has brought plenty of springtime fun.  Cassidy and I went to see Riverdance; Gavin started spring baseball and Tyler, as always, keeps us busy and makes us laugh.  Here are some photos of the things we've been up to!
Cassidy and I (along with friends from her Irish Dance group) went downtown to the Cadillac Palace Theatre to see a performance of Riverdance.  The dancers are really amazing!
Loved our Mom/Daughter date!
Tyler has started swimming lessons.  He loves to play water games, but has no interest in putting his head under water...
Tyler brought this elephant home from preschool; it was hungry! 
Tyler loves to be a helper.  On this particular afternoon, he was helping Daddy fix the lock from our door that was sticking.
Gavin's baseball season is underway!
At Roemer Park, in the dugout
Such a great group of first grade boys! 
Fresh from the field, he scored a run!
Grandpa Brown came to watch the game.  He and Tyler had hot dogs!
Some post-game photos, for Mom.
Under the old-fashioned sign at Roemer Park.  Such a fun place to play.
Family bike ride to Gillson Beach!
Too chilly to swim, but always fun to feel the sand.