Friday, September 24, 2010

A Busy September - Welcome Autumn!

September has been a very busy month at the Brown house! Here's what we've been up to...

Cassidy has adjusted to her new preschool and seems to enjoy her teachers and new friends. When you ask her what she likes best about her day, she almost always says either painting or playing with play-doh. Everyday when I open her backpack after school, I find 2-3 art projects, usually paintings she has done on the easel. We have an art wall in the kitchen that has filled up very quickly! This past week they worked on self-portraits - here's a photo of hers! Also, we gave potty-training a try a couple weekends ago - we pressed on for about 24 hours, at which point it was becoming traumatic for all involved, so we waved the white flag and happily returned to diapers for the foreseeable future. Like all kids I'm sure, Cassidy has a mind of her own on this matter (and many others of course!) so we will gladly follow her lead on this one. Cassidy has also given up her nap, for good this time - so we have 30 minutes of "quiet time" in her room each day when she reads stories to her stuffed animals or makes art projects - and then there's still plenty of time for she and I to play together before her little brother wakes up to join us. We do lots of "big girl" things during that time - playing in her tracing books, baking, watching movies, even her first pedicure. We're having fun! Sometime within the past few weeks, she also started referring to us as "Mom" and "Dad" rather than Mommy and Daddy. We have no idea why. Very funny and a wee bit sad, too! She became a little teen overnight.

Gavin is 18 months old now and is at a really fun age. He makes me laugh every day. He is in the midst of learning lots of new words, and I just love hearing the new things that suddenly pop out of his mouth each day. He's also having a lot of fun with his friend Henry, who is also 18 months. I am taking care of Henry during the days until the beginning of November, so while Cassidy is at school, the boys get into all sorts of adventures together. The best is when they dive into Cassidy's dress-up cabinet and come out as princesses and ladybugs. Priceless. Henry is an adorable little redhead, and with Gavin's white-blonde hair, strangers are striking up conversations with me left and right when we are out strolling. When Henry goes home at the end of each day, Gavin spends the rest of the evening saying over and over (as best he can), "Where's Henry?"

Erik is very busy at work, which has been the case for most of 2010! He's working primarily with one client, and the project is in the final phase that will likely end in December. Then, onward to something new! He has been challenged, but learned a lot in the process, as he says.
As for me, I had some complicated dental surgery this month that knocked me out of commission for a couple days. I owe both Erik and his mom a huge thank you, because they kept the kids and the house running like clockwork while I was resting and recovering. My surgeon said it would take 3 weeks to feel completely back to normal, and I also have to get used to daily life (mainly, talking!) with a retainer for the next 4 months - but all things considered, I am feeling great and glad that the hardest part of this process is behind me! Phase 2 comes next Jan/Feb, when I go back to the surgeon for 2 dental implants. Jealous, right? I know...

We are excited that the fall season has arrived, and in fact we've already done a round of leaf-raking in our backyard! We had some fun times with our extended families over the past few weeks too, which I'll get to in my next post. Until then, happy start of fall to you all!