Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcome Charlie Tieman!

We have a new member in our extended family, our new nephew and cousin, Charles Paul Tieman!  We are so happy for Mel & Aaron and big brother Jackson.  Charlie, we are so glad you're here and we can't wait to watch you grow!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Never-ending Snow!

This has been a winter of cold (make that frigid) temps and lots and lots of snow!  Although it's a challenge for this summer girl, the kids have really been making the most of it.  Here are some photos of the winter fun.  But hey, whenever spring wants to arrive, I'm ready!
Check out that icicle!
Snow mounds everywhere we look
Checking out the lakeshore
The winter fun continued during a visit with Grammy and Grandpa Brown!  Check out these fun pictures from their time outside.
What a cool snowfort Grammy made!  So amazing!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tyler's First Haircut!

Tyler had his first visit to Kid Snips today - he got a haircut!  He was a little unsure for just a few moments but then settled in just fine.  It probably helped that he had just watched Gavin get his cut a few minutes earlier.  And the fun speedboat chair with the steering wheel helps too!  Doesn't he look handsome?!  Such a cutie.