Friday, February 4, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

This past Tuesday and Wednesday brought us the "Blizzard of 2011." And while it seems that meteorologists usually predict much more snow than ever actually falls, this time their forecast of 18-22 inches was accurate - we have a whopping 20 inches on the ground. It was so windy during the snowstorm that some of the snowdrifts around our house are waist-high. I have never seen so much snow! Cassidy had 2 days off from school and the whole city shut down - businesses closed, no mail delivery, empty streets. Chicago Public Schools even closed - the first time in 12 years they've had a snow day. Cassidy had fun building an igloo with our neighbor and helping Erik shovel the driveway. Since Gavin refuses to keep on gloves or a hat (I put it on, he throws it off, I put it on, he throws it off!), he was in tears after 10 minutes and asked to go back inside. I snapped one picture of him in his winter gear, and then we got out the hot cocoa and watched from inside. Below are some of the photos we took over the past few days. It was a fascinating storm to watch and it certainly gave people something to buzz about this week. But, needless to say, we are officially ready for Spring!
Nearing the end of the storm
Passing the time until we can get outside to play
We opened the back door...
The backyard - still snowing!
The storm is finally done - this is out the front door
After Erik shoveled the driveway!
Gavin's 10 minute outdoor adventure
Cassidy's igloo! She had SO much fun.