Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is it Spring Yet?!?

The first few weeks of 2010 were a little rough in our house! We started the new year with a round of bad colds and spent the last 10 days taking turns with a pretty severe stomach flu. The temperatures outside have been bitter cold, too cold to step out for even a few minutes of fresh air. To top things off, for the first 3 weeks of January, Erik was traveling to NY each week for work. Eeeeeekkk! Talk about cabin fever! But we muddled through and are now feeling healthy and excited about the next few weeks. Erik is done with work travel for a while (hooray!) and the weather has warmed to the 30s (we'll take it!). Also, I am taking a road trip this week with the kids to visit our great friends, the Vlachs, in Nashville! We planned this visit a while back and are SO looking forward to it! Meg and I have kids the exact same age, and we are both spending our days at home with the little ones, so it just made sense to join up for a week and do our jobs together! Everything is easier with a second set of hands, and when the kids are busy playing and sleeping, we get to catch up in person! I really can't wait. To make the drive a little easier, we have planned a dinnertime stop in Lafayette with the Hardings and and overnight stop in Louisville with the Harus. We are so excited to see everyone!

Speaking of things being easier with an extra set of hands - I am SO grateful to have had some great help last week from Grammy and Grandpa Brown! Last Wednesday they drove in and spent the whole day tending to Cassidy and Gavin so I could get out and run some errands. It was a nice change of pace, and so appreciated! Grandpa made salmon patties for dinner, with Cassie's help. Here are some photos of their visit. And I'm sure I'll have more photos to post once I return from our exciting road trip!