Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our Latest DIY Project

Last weekend, we decided to tackle the installation of a backyard playset for the kids. It came with a 60-page manual and roughly a zillion parts to assemble - eeek! Erik spent probably 12-13 hours on it in total, and we had some great help from his parents for the final few hours. The Sunday that we finished it, it happened to be a beautiful 80 degree day and the kids played on it for hours - made the project feel well worth the effort! Erik and I are looking forward to the many years of backyard playtime that lie ahead for the kids, and it always feels good to work hard on a DIY project and see it all come together in the end. Now, we just need to bring on the warm weather (we woke up to snow today - isn't it mid-April?)! Anyway, lots of fun in store for the kids this summer!

The empty spot where the playset would eventually go

Erik and his best helper starting the assembly
The assistant crew!

The final product

Casiddy loves the "big kid" swing...
...and Gavin loves the toddler bucket swing. Happy kids!