Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

We had a fun Halloween today! This morning, the kids dressed in their costumes and we went to a Halloween festival at Wagner Farm. Inside the farm museum, they had a funhouse for small children that Cassie found pretty weird and spooky. They had outside activities too, but it was cold (only mid-forties and windy) so we only stayed outside long enough to say hello to our favorite cow, Boo, (she was napping in her stall), as well as the pigs (who happened to be napping as well). We picked up a spaghetti squash on our way out and came home for lunchtime and naps.
After naptime, we got costumes back on and got ready for trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Since this was Cassidy's first time trick-or-treating, she and Daddy went outside to practice at our house. She rang our doorbell and Gavin and I answered. She said "trick-or-treat", I gave her some candy in her pumpkin bucket, and then we practiced saying thank-you. Then, we were off. All four of us walked around to the houses together. The first house we went to was all decked out for Halloween with spooky music playing and a fake straw man with a scary face sitting on their porch. Cassidy was really unsure about this. She kept asking "What are these? What is that?" After getting her candy from that house, she spent the rest of the evening talking about that spooky music. We went to 7 or 8 houses on our street, and the kids were ready to head back home. We traded out the peanut-y treats for smarties and lollipops, and Cassie had a ball eating sweets the rest of the night. I was impressed that she even attempted any dinner (we made it through milk and applesauce and everything else was a no-go). We had twenty or so trick-or-treaters at our house, and Cassie thought it was fun to watch them walk up the sidewalk from her spot in the window, but she was not interested in greeting up close or passing out candy. When they would leave, she'd say "What were those guys? Who was that?" I'm not sure she really understands the whole costume concept!

Gavin spent the day in his warm, fuzzy monkey costume and did his best to gobble some treats. The closest he really got was a fistful of cheerios. Maybe next year, Gavin!

Both kids are fast asleep and Erik and I had take-out pizza for dinner. Such a fun day!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Leaves Are Falling!

This is our first autumn in the suburbs. I forgot what it is like to be surrounded by so many trees - they are so beautiful this time of year. The leaves are everywhere! This is a picture of our backyard. We just mowed the lawn 4 days ago and saw nothing but green grass. Today we woke up to a yellow yard! Wilmette has leaf pick-up on scheduled days each fall. So, each time you rake, you drag your leaf pile over to the curb and wait for the pick-up date. Our street's first pick-up is this coming weekend; I have never seen so many leaves piled upon curbs. It looks like huge jump piles everywhere you drive around here! Cassie had her first leaf-pile-jumping experience this year, and enjoyed it immensely. She also thought it was pretty funny to cover Gavin with leaves. Gavin tried his best to have some leaves for a snack, but mommy kept ruining his plans.

The past few weeks have been pretty relaxed around here. We've been enjoying quiet weekends with just the four of us, doing whatever sounds fun each day. Cassidy is excited for Halloween, although I don't think she has any idea what's in store. She just thinks it sounds like a fun party, so why not be excited?!? I'm anxious to see what she thinks about the whole trick-or-treating experience - both greeting kids at our house and trying to go to the neighbor's houses. Should be funny! She is going as a ladybug and Gavin is going as a monkey.

In 2 weeks, Erik and I are taking our first trip away since our kids arrived! We're going to Austin for a long weekend. Our good friends Mike & Megan are getting married and we are excited to be there for the wedding! Grammy and Grandpa Brown, both happy retirees now, will be taking the kids for the weekend while we are away. I know I will miss my little babies like crazy but it will be wonderful to have a break and enjoy some warm sunshine with good friends.

Halloween pictures coming soon! Happy trick-or-treating to you all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Brown County Tradition Continues!

For the past couple of years, my 3 best friends from college and I (and our growing families) plan an annual get-together in Brown County, IN. Since we live in 4 different Midwest states, this ends up being a nice middle point for everyone and it's the perfect environment for a large reunion. We rent a large log cabin and take turns preparing huge, wonderful meals. This year we had 8 adults, 4 toddlers, 3 infants and 1 baby on the way (Jamie is due in late November!). The hilarious chaos just evolves all on its own. The toddlers' favorite pastime was to pull all the cushions off the couches and make a jumbo jump pile - does it get any better when you're 2??? The 3 infant boys spent their time chatting on tummy mats. And the 8 of us, all friends for 10+ years, have the best time just catching up in person, enjoying some wine, and laughing a LOT! Next year's cabin is already reserved, when we'll be an even larger group of 16! We can't wait.