Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Leaves Are Falling!

This is our first autumn in the suburbs. I forgot what it is like to be surrounded by so many trees - they are so beautiful this time of year. The leaves are everywhere! This is a picture of our backyard. We just mowed the lawn 4 days ago and saw nothing but green grass. Today we woke up to a yellow yard! Wilmette has leaf pick-up on scheduled days each fall. So, each time you rake, you drag your leaf pile over to the curb and wait for the pick-up date. Our street's first pick-up is this coming weekend; I have never seen so many leaves piled upon curbs. It looks like huge jump piles everywhere you drive around here! Cassie had her first leaf-pile-jumping experience this year, and enjoyed it immensely. She also thought it was pretty funny to cover Gavin with leaves. Gavin tried his best to have some leaves for a snack, but mommy kept ruining his plans.

The past few weeks have been pretty relaxed around here. We've been enjoying quiet weekends with just the four of us, doing whatever sounds fun each day. Cassidy is excited for Halloween, although I don't think she has any idea what's in store. She just thinks it sounds like a fun party, so why not be excited?!? I'm anxious to see what she thinks about the whole trick-or-treating experience - both greeting kids at our house and trying to go to the neighbor's houses. Should be funny! She is going as a ladybug and Gavin is going as a monkey.

In 2 weeks, Erik and I are taking our first trip away since our kids arrived! We're going to Austin for a long weekend. Our good friends Mike & Megan are getting married and we are excited to be there for the wedding! Grammy and Grandpa Brown, both happy retirees now, will be taking the kids for the weekend while we are away. I know I will miss my little babies like crazy but it will be wonderful to have a break and enjoy some warm sunshine with good friends.

Halloween pictures coming soon! Happy trick-or-treating to you all!