Friday, October 16, 2009

The Brown County Tradition Continues!

For the past couple of years, my 3 best friends from college and I (and our growing families) plan an annual get-together in Brown County, IN. Since we live in 4 different Midwest states, this ends up being a nice middle point for everyone and it's the perfect environment for a large reunion. We rent a large log cabin and take turns preparing huge, wonderful meals. This year we had 8 adults, 4 toddlers, 3 infants and 1 baby on the way (Jamie is due in late November!). The hilarious chaos just evolves all on its own. The toddlers' favorite pastime was to pull all the cushions off the couches and make a jumbo jump pile - does it get any better when you're 2??? The 3 infant boys spent their time chatting on tummy mats. And the 8 of us, all friends for 10+ years, have the best time just catching up in person, enjoying some wine, and laughing a LOT! Next year's cabin is already reserved, when we'll be an even larger group of 16! We can't wait.