Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our Day at American Girl

A few months back, Cassidy heard some friends at school talking about American Girl dolls.  Shortly thereafter, a big AG catalog came in the mail.  She took one look at those pages of dolls and all their accessories and was sold - this was her new toy wish.  Since these dolls have a hefty price tag, we decided we would give her a goal to achieve and this could be the reward.  She'd been working hard at swim lessons for over 2 years but had yet to overcome her fear of swimming independently.  We told her that once she mastered that skill and graduated to the next level in swim class, we could take a mother-daughter trip to Chicago's American Girl Doll Store and choose a doll.  I figured I had bought us a few months at minimum.  Wouldn't you know, that very next Thursday at her weekly swim lesson, she swam straight across the pool all 15 feet on her own, graduated to the next level and earned her trip to AG.  Talk about motivation!

So, on Sunday, March17 (St. Patrick's Day!), Cassidy and I had our AG adventure.  We met with one of their complimentary personal shoppers who took us around the store and showed us all the different dolls they had to choose from.  Cassidy decided on Saige, the 2013 girl of the year.  Saige loves art and horses, and even has a dog, so Cassidy felt like this would be a perfect choice (not that we have a dog or are even close to getting a dog - but Cass loves all animals and also anything artsy, so, Saige it was!).  Afterwards, we moved on to lunch at their attached cafe.  They bring up special high chairs for each girl's newly purchased doll, and Cassidy was so excited to get an extra little high chair for Meatloaf, Saige's puppy (who I secretly think Cassidy loves even more than Saige).  The lunch was dainty and lovely, and I think at least 15 tables were greeted with the staff members singing the happy birthday song - a popular destination for those celebrations, clearly!  We had such a fun day together, and it was just very special for me to spend time with Cassidy on her own.  I almost always have her 2 younger brothers in tow wherever I take her, and it was so peaceful and refreshing to be able to focus on our conversations and enjoy a girls' day!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Gavin Turns 4!

Happy Birthday to our big boy, Gavin!  Gavin had so much fun turning 4.  I remember months back, probably last summer, when Gavin was sad at the idea of turning 4.  He would tell me "Mommy, I'm never turning 4.  I'm going to stay 3 forever."  I think in hindsight he might have been thinking that birthdays brought on shots at the doctor's office (now he's terrified of the 5th birthday since he saw Cassidy get 4 shots last June), or else it's just his strong aversion to change...who knows!  But it turns out that turning 4 is a LOT of fun and he enjoyed every minute!

We had a little birthday celebration for Gavin here at our house the weekend before his birthday.  We had a joint theme of Star Wars and dinosaurs, since he just couldn't possibly pick between those 2 awesome things!  We had a few of his pre-school friends over, and Grammy & Grandpa Brown joined us as well.  It was quite the party!  We had playtime in the rec room, special dinosaur-shaped pizzas for lunch, and of course, a dino cake (a spinosaurus to be exact - the cake decorator had to google it!  Very kind of them to fulfill his specific request.).
That Monday at school, I got to join Gavin's class a few minutes before dismissal to read some books aloud and to watch the kids at work.  I love getting a little glimpse into his life at school.

The following Tuesday, March 12, our family of 5 headed out to Chuck-e-Cheese after school to celebrate our birthday boy.  Nothing more fun than shoving tokens into those machines, playing some skee-ball, and watching tickets come rolling out!  And of course the little plastic prizes are loads of fun too.  We even stopped to pose for a photo with C-E-C himself.
We love our Gavin and we can't believe he's 4 years old.  I might try to keep him 4 forever, too.