Monday, June 15, 2015

Our New Neighborhood

This past weekend, we got a wonderful preview of our new neighborhood.  Our move is scheduled for later this summer, but our soon-to-be neighbors very thoughtfully invited us to attend the street's annual summer block party that was happening now.  They block off both ends of the street from any car traffic and they have a giant potluck dinner, a bounce house, a bike parade from one end to the other...even the fire and police department stop by and let the kids climb through their vehicles for a bit.  So fun!  It was a great way to meet everyone all at once and to be able to introduce our kids to some new friends their age that they'll be living near for years to come (at least that's the plan!).  Erik and I were really blown away by everyone's kindness and welcoming spirit.  We are so thrilled to have such lovely neighbors in our future!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Gavin, The Kindergarten Graduate!

Gavin is a kindergarten graduate!  It's been such a joy for us to watch Gavin grow and learn over the past year in kindergarten.  He's ready to move on up to the big time.  His school held a special graduation ceremony where the families were treated to some adorable musical performances by the class.  He walked across the stage for his "diploma" and then the kids were dismissed for summer!  It was a great way to kick off summer break.  We can't believe he'll be headed back to school in August as a 1st grader.  Where does the time go?  We love you, Gavin!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Cassidy's Dino Project

Cassidy has always loved dinosaurs.  I think it began around age 4 when someone handed down a dinosaur book to us, and around that same time she watched her first (of many!) The Land Before Time animated movies.  She was hooked!  She loved learning about them, talking about them, drawing them...her favorite topic for a good while.  She must have talked about them a lot at school, too, because it seemed nearly every birthday gift she received from friends was coincidentally dino-themed!  She particularly loved the brachiosaurus.  Cassie has one of those personalities that's all-in; once her interest is piqued, she can't get enough and she seeks out every nugget of knowledge on whatever it is.  Each year at school, around the end of the year, she'd see the older kids walking into school with large dioramas of dinosaurs that they had to do for science.  She couldn't wait to get to 2nd grade so she could do one!  Well the time finally came, and wouldn't you know, that major dinosaur obsession had finally started to wane (only to be replaced with new discoveries such as American Girl, shopkins, art, fashion, etc.).  But she still maintained her excitement for this project and was assigned the titanosaurus.  She worked for hours on her clay models and the drawing for her background.  She was so proud to walk in to school on presentation day, and we are so proud of her effort.  Our dino-loving girl.  We love you!