Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monkey See, Monkey Do

It's so hard to believe we're coming up on Cassie's 1st birthday. Every parent tells you that time will fly - they're right! It seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital, maybe because I still remember that day so vividly ("What do we do now???"). It's funny how some things stick in your memory so clearly, yet other things become fuzzy. When friends with younger babies ask me questions about how we approached this or that (How much cereal did you start off with? How many hours did she sleep at 6 months?), I am always a little stunned when I can't exactly remember - wasn't that all I thought about just a few months back? Thank goodness for the baby book and loads of photos to bring the memories right back to me. I guess the brain just has to make room for all the new stuff!

Cassie has become a little mimic these days, just like many babies her age I'm sure. In the past few weeks, she has kicked it into high gear. She will imitate hand motions, sounds, even song tunes to some extent. She is always happy to oblige when someone asks her to point out various body parts - "Where's your nose? Where's Mommy's hair?" and she will dance on command as long as music is playing somewhere in the vicinity. For months now, we've had a nighttime routine where Erik gives her a bath and takes her up to bed. As they walk up the stairs to her room, I stand at the bottom stair and blow her kisses. She usually just giggles, but this past weekend she put her hand up to her mouth and blew kisses back down to me. That made my day and then some!

Here are a couple recent videos of Cassie pointing things out and playing peek-a-boo (still her all-time favorite game):