Sunday, September 14, 2008

And Baby Makes Four...

We're very excited to share the happy news that Cassidy will become a big sister in March 2009! We'll fall into that category of parents with 2 under 2 - and we can't wait! We always talked about having our kids close in age, and as it turns out they'll be about 20 months apart! We are prepared for some chaotic times, especially in the beginning I'm sure, but we couldn't be more thrilled at the idea of adding a little one to our family. So people have been asking me - "What are you having???" And this time around, that detail will be a surprise! We've decided not to find out if it is a boy or a girl. I must admit, this is mostly Erik's choice - I had wanted to find out with Cassidy, and we did, so it's his turn to choose - so a surprise it will be! March 16 is the due date we've been given...who knows, perhaps we'll have a St. Patty's baby!

Well it certainly seems that fall has arrived - we're spending Sundays rooting for the Bears, the pumpkins and gourds are out at the grocery store, and Cassie toddles around our driveway picking up the fallen colored leaves to collect in her push toy basket. We're also excited to have a 1st place Cubs team to root for! Most years, September is a dreary month for Cubs fans - but this time around it seems our 1st place position in the NL Central is nearly clinched. So, between keeping up with the Illini, the Cubs, the Bears and virtually every other NFL team since fantasy football makes each game crucial for Coach Erik, we're watching a lot of sports in our house! I always feel like I should be making a big batch of chili or gametime appetizers - however most of the time it remains just a feeling rather than a reality...

The other news is that we've put our house on the market - with another baby on the way, we've decided we're in need of a bit more space. Of course, with the housing market as slow as it is these days, we also realize we may still be right where we are when baby #2 arrives - and that's certainly OK as well! But we figured we'd give it as shot, see what kind of response we get, and we can wait things out another year or two if need be. But we're certainly hopeful that a wonderful offer comes through and we could get settled somewhere in the next couple months! Only time will tell...

We're also happy to report that Grandpa Brown came home from the hospital tonight - he's on the road to recovery! After his bike accident 2 weeks ago, it was decided that he needed surgery to allow his collarbone to heal properly. So, he spent the past 6 days back in the hospital having a metal plate inserted into his shoulder area, pinning together the collarbone that had been broken into 3 pieces. He looked great tonight as he walked himself out of his hospital room, back in his regular clothes with only a black sling as evidence that he'd been there at all! He'll need to take it easy for a bit, which we think he should be doing anyway - he recently retired after all! But we're so glad that he's pulled through so well and we look forward to visiting again in a couple weeks.

So after a very rainy weekend here in Chicago (record-setting rainfall, actually!) we're spending our Sunday night watching Zambrano pitch a potential no-hitter (go Cubbies!) while we prepare for another busy week ahead. Cassidy and I are joining a fun new playgroup tomorrow and Erik will be traveling to Washington D.C. for work. We're still on the watch for Cassidy to try her hand at walking again - after taking 3 steps about 2 weeks ago, she's been back to her crawling ways! And she is cracking us up with her "talking" - learning new words every day and practicing them every chance she can get. Today's favorites were flower, ball and shoe. I'm realizing I haven't been doing a great job of taking photos - I just set the camera out on the counter so I remember to take some pics this week.

Lastly, we'll share a couple videos that have certainly made Cassie's Daddy very proud - guitar lessons! Erik and Cassie love to listen to music together, and lately they've been playing some guitar. A few nights ago, Erik and Cassie developed a new song based on Cassidy's favorite babble, "bla-dee-dah." She's also quite the dancer. Check it out!