Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

The day after Halloween, we took off for a trip to the beach. We went to Pompano Beach, FL and spent a week with just the 3 of us, and then our final weekend there, Grandma and Grandpa Reder arrived and we got to spend a few days altogether. It's a favorite vacation spot that my family has been visiting annually for as long as I can remember (and way before that time too).

We've learned over the past 17 months that our daughter L-O-V-E-S the water! Whether it's bathtime, pooltime or even playing with the kitchen faucet, she's game. So it was no surprise that every morning when we woke up and made our way down to the pool area, she would make a beeline straight to the water. Daddy was her pooltime playmate for the most part, doing a great job of twirling, throwing and catching our little one as she giggled right along. Here's a video of the daily peek-a-boo game that always gave us a laugh:

We also spent some time in the ocean each day, and while she seemed to like it, she was a little more hesitant (at least at first!). But as the days went by, she became more comfortable and would happily take someone's hand and walk along the shoreline, picking up shells and various other beach finds. We even made a few sandcastles - she took part by placing the shells on top of each castle building.

As always, Cassidy had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Reder. She even stayed with them for an evening while Erik & I got to enjoy dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants, Sea Watch ( It sits right on the ocean and they have great fresh seafood - not to mention the key lime pie and strawberry daquiris! (Of course mine was made without alcohol this time, but honestly still just as tasty!) We try and make it there every time we visit.

It was wonderful to spend such a nice, long vacation at such a relaxing place. We're looking forward to heading back next summer with my whole family - they'll be 15 in all by then!