Saturday, December 20, 2008

Santa comes to Chicago (a few days early)

Last night, Santa made an early stop at Cassidy's house! Since we'll be traveling for the Christmas holiday, Santa made arrangements to drop down our chimney a few days in advance. As soon as Cassidy came down the stairs this morning, she noticed the presents under the tree and went right over to investigate. She picked one up and brought it over to her mom and dad for some assistance. We tried to tell her to tear into it, to rip open the paper and see what's inside - but she didn't seem to get that idea and instead just said "off! off!" meaning she really wanted us to help get that paper off so she could get to the good stuff. She seemed to love everything she opened - favorites appear to be her new giraffe stuffed animal ("raff" - she's giving him a hug in this photo), her Wonder Pets snowglobe and her new kitten keyboard. The keyboard is in the shape of a big purple kitten and plays various instrument sounds. What makes it extra-special to her is the "kitten mode" in which every note played comes out as a "meow." She also really loves the attached microphone. She didn't notice that part at first, but at some point this afternoon she made the discovery that her voice comes through that microphone, and she has been addicted ever since! She can hardly get a word out, though, because the second she hears her voice bellowing through the speaker, she falls into a fit of giggles. Here's a video:

We're leaving for our Christmas travels in the morning and we can't wait to see everyone!!!