Friday, June 12, 2009

Gavin is 3 months old today!

WOW, our little boy is getting so big! What a wonderful 3 months it has been with Gavin as part of our family. His personality is showing more each day - he's a big smiler and he likes to turn his head shyly to one side to give you a flirty grin. His current pastimes include swatting at the toys hanging from his jungle mat, holding his sister's silver rattle and gnawing on it when it happens to reach his mouth, chewing on his little fists (I think we've entered phase 1 of teething!), and rolling over from his back onto his tummy. He is sleeping like a champ these days - last night he slept from 9:30pm to 5am! It was his first time making it to the 5am mark - we're very excited about that! He dozes throughout the day, taking anywhere from 4-6 mini naps. Our next step will be to try and get him into a more regular nap routine - but we're making that tough on him by running around during our days, handling errands and entertaining big sister Cassie. He's proving to be pretty flexible and goes right along with whatever the day brings his way. Cassie has grown more interested in Gavin as she nears her 2nd birthday this month - she's becoming such a big girl! She will fetch diapers, replace a lost pacifier, and pat his little head when he's crying, saying 'It's OK, Gabin, don't cry baby." Just yesterday as I went into Cassie's room when she woke up from her nap, I laid Gavin in the crib with her and she laughed as he happened to pat her head with his fists. They cuddled and laughed at her butterfly mobile moving overhead. It's so fun to see them so happy together.

Anyway, we just had to express how much we love our little Gavin as he turns 3 months old! We have plenty of other stories to tell from the past month - all coming soon!