Friday, September 4, 2009

Late Summer Fun

August 2009 has been a fun month. On August 9, Erik and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary! Grandpa and Grammy Brown gave us the day off, and we took full advantage. We started with a relaxing lunch at a great Irish pub in Old Town. Next, we saw the matinee for the "Best of Second City" at the famous comedy club. Very funny as always, but the improv was by far the best part of the show. (Isn't that always the case? SO hilarious!) After that, we tried out a delicious new restaurant for dinner (new to us, anyway, since we don't have many meals out these days!) over in Wicker Park. Our plan was to head home after dinner, but we were having so much fun that we decided last-minute to go see a movie - a comedy, to stick with the theme of the day. We saw "The Hangover", which was actually very funny - exceeded our expectations! We highly recommend it to any other sleep-deprived parents of small children who need some easy laughter to end their day. (Although, I have to say how proud we are of Gavin - we have gone 3 nights in a row now with wonderful sleep - no waking from 7pm - 5am - not even for a pacifier, which has been a big hurdle - Go Gavin!).

In mid-August, we took part in a family picnic for Erik's dad's cancer support group. Many of the group members took part, and all were invited to bring their families so we could all meet one another. Don handled the grilling for the group and everyone brought side dishes for the table. It was a beautiful sunny day for a picnic. It was windy, too - we were wishing we'd brought a kite! The picnic area was on the same grounds as a huge childrens' splash park, so Cassie brought her swimming suit and had lots of fun playing in the water. She's a little unsure about anything that will dump on her head, like waterfalls or those giant mushrooms that pour water down all sides. But she's happy to splash around and enjoy the scene. Gavin even got in on the splashing action!