Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Having Fun on the Homefront

Since returning from our trip a couple weeks ago, we have kept ourselves busy with all sorts of wintertime activities...

Cassidy had a fun Valentine's Day party at school, where she traded little paper valentines with her classmates and ate frosted heart cookies. And she talks every day about the special red rose that she got from Daddy! She has had fun playing in the snow with Daddy too - they made a snow fort to hide behind and a sledding hill for her toddler sled. She warmed up afterwards with warm cocoa and marshmallows.

Cassidy has gotten through the challenging transition of giving up her pacifier. For the first week or so, she continued to ask to have it back (endured lots of tears), but now she has forgotten all about it. She still has moments (usually at 3 in the morning, unfortunately) when she needs extra comforting, and she can't verbalize why, but I'm sure it's all part of this transition. She's even been a little teary when I drop her off at school, which is unlike her - I guess it just goes to show how much comfort that little paci brought to her life. We hated taking it away, but it was really time to do so since she was chewing through them (eeek, choking hazard in her sleep) and since we have a few other big transitions on the way - potty training and the big girl bed. So, all in all, it was manageable, but I am glad that Gavin is already done with the pacifier so we don't have to go through this again next year!

Cassidy also joined me on my trip to the dentist for my routine cleaning. The dentist recommended doing this (just having her sit next to me during my cleaning) so when her time comes, it hopefully won't seem too scary. We help her brush her teeth everyday, but she has never been inside a dentist's office before. The whole drive there, she asked me questions about the "bentist." Where is the bentist? Why is the bentist going to clean your teeth? Why will you sit in a special chair? But what is a bentist? She sat very patiently throughout the appointment and was really intrigued with their educational plastic teeth (basically like those plastic chattering teeth that she could open and close). On our drive home, she muttered something from the back seat that sounded like "Mommy got her teeth cleaned. But Cassidy does not want to have a bentist clean her teeth." Oh well, we tried!

Gavin is only a few weeks away from his 1st birthday! How the time flies! He is crawling at lightning speed these days. He loves to play chase, peek-a-boo, and to press all the buttons on the TV to mess with someone's show (he cracks up laughing the second it changes to a snow screen). He also likes to dance to music, and has just started waving "hi" when someone greets him (video below!). He continues to be very sensitive - loves to snuggle, loves to have mommy hold him for a bit after naps, and really despises diaper changes and getting any article of clothing put on. I'm sure his first steps are not far away - he's quite the mover!

Cassidy and Gavin are becoming little pals. They love to make each other laugh, especially at mealtimes. Today, Cassie's red juice sprayed out of her mouth and all across the table - just fits of laughter taking place. It makes me happy to see them happy!