Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday today. We started the day with a 7:30am church service. We figured with the kids up at 6am, why not go right away? It's so early that we had no problem getting seats just 2 minutes before the service started - not usually the case on Easter! After church, we came home and played for a bit before heading out to Grammy and Grandpa Brown's house for an afternoon get-together. When we arrived, Cassidy spotted some Easter eggs hidden in Grammy and Grandpa's living room! She and Gavin had fun opening each egg to find what was hiding inside. We had a delicious brunch and lots of playtime outside. Cassidy particularly loved the fairy garden, the zip line, and running around with Cooper. Gavin liked the tree and porch swings and crawling around the yard looking for sticks. We were very thankful for the gorgeous weather and for spending a great day with family.

I forgot to mention that the Easter Bunny also paid a visit to our house! He came on Saturday, one day early since we had a a busy schedule on Sunday. We left him a plate of carrots and 4 jelly beans. All that remained on the plate after he came through was a small carrot nibble! He hid 12 eggs with jelly beans all around our rec room. He also filled Easter baskets for the kids with fun things like marshmallow peeps and new spring PJs. Thanks Easter Bunny!