Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gavin's First Haircut

Actually, it's Gavin's third haircut rather than his first, but we won't count those first two trims by mommy. They weren't too great. It became time to enlist the help of a pro!

I was so surprised at how still Gavin sat for his haircut. The couple times I did it at home, his head was spinning from side to side trying to grab my shiny scissors. But they've figured things out - they put on a movie and gave him a tiny plastic radio to hold and press buttons, not to mention he got to sit in a shiny blue speedboat chair that went up and down when the nice lady stepped on the pedal. So the distractions were a big help. He didn't seem to mind the misting water bottle, scissors, comb, even the electric trimmer was OK. Cassidy would really like these haircuts to happen often, because she got to roam around and play with toys, eat lollipops and try on hair accessories. We left with balloons and a certificate for Gavin's baby book that included a little lock of hair. Here's the "after" pic!