Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Circus Comes to Town

Every other year, our public school district brings the circus to town as a fundraiser for the schools. We decided the kids were a little young to appreciate/sit through the real show, so we opted for the even-better version - arriving at the site that morning at 9am, the circus staff allowed all young children the chance to meet the animals and watch the big top go up! We walked up close to the circus elephants, tiny jumping dogs, spotted horses, camels and even ferocious tigers (a safe distance in their cages!). At the end, we watched as the huge tent went up, thanks to the mighty strength of one of the elephants who pulled the ropes and tall poles into place. Maybe the next time around, we'll take in a real show. But for now, this was perfect!

Since fall has arrived, we also made our way over to Wagner Farm to pick out pumpkins for the front doorstep. This year, we put twinkling orange lights on the front bushes and some ghost/pumpkin stakes along the sidewalk path that leads up to our door. The kids love flipping on the lights each evening! So many people are putting up fun Halloween decorations these days (meaning, I don't really remember that growing up?!?) that we took the kids out for a drive around the neighborhood to check them all out. From the back seat, we heard on repeat from both kids: "I see some! I see some!" Gavin has fun repeating whatever his sister says. We're looking forward to trick-or-treating this year!