Monday, November 15, 2010

Funny Moments

Today, a song came on the radio as we were driving home from picking Cassidy up at school. I don't know exactly who sings it (Tao Cruz?), but it's a current chart topper with the lyrics "I'm only gonna break break your, break break your heart." Anyway, as Cassidy hears it, she says "Mommy, how could someone break your heart? 'Cuz it's on the inside of your body. You would need to get magical powers to reach it. And then if you got magical powers, you could break your heart, and then you could use some sticky tape to fix it. Then you could just put it back inside and it's good as new! Like magic!" Ahhh, I love that she can't even fathom the idea of a broken heart! They're just so literal - I bet so many phrases we use each day don't seem to make much sense. I can already see myself telling her this story when she's 16. It's so funny to hear them voice all the thoughts going through their busy little minds.

And Gavin had us cracking up last weekend as he tried to survive the daylight savings switch. Enjoy the video!