Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our Tiny Ballerina

Cassidy has started taking a ballet class through our local park district. It's called "Princess Ballet" for 3 and 4 year olds. Every week, this group of 7 tiny ballerinas arrive in little leotards, tutus, and ballet slippers to dance with Miss Wendy, their instructor. They start the class with a warm-up welcome song, which the parents are allowed to watch, and then they wave good-bye to the grown-ups and turn into magical princesses for the remaining 30 minutes. Gavin tags along with me, and during the first few weeks he threw some of his best tantrums when I tried to explain that the dance floor was only for the ballerinas. I'd have to chase him around the mirrored room and carry him out flailing while the girls began their class. Poor little guy, it does look fun! But now he has found the silver lining, since he gets to run wild through the halls of the rec center with my undivided attention as we play hide-and-seek, color in coloring books and crash tiny matchbox cars together while we wait for class to end. The ballet class has been a big hit with Cassidy - so much so that not a day goes by anymore that I don't find her tip-toeing around the house in her tutu and ballet slippers. In fact, it's often the outfit she greets us in when she bursts through her door first in the morning.