Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter 2011

The kids woke up bright and early on Easter Sunday! They ran into our room shrieking with excitement and started pulling our arms to get us out of bed and go check out the family room to see if the Easter bunny had come while they were sleeping. They were beyond thrilled to find that he had, in fact, been there! They each found a basket filled with goodies, and that tricky Easter bunny had hidden plastic eggs filled with jelly beans all around the house. Once they were all sugared-up, we got dressed in our Easter clothes and drove to Grammy and Grandpa's house to spend the day. We started with a wonderful church service and then found that the Easter bunny had visited Grammy and Grandpa's house, too! They found special treats hidden all over the house. Such fun! We had a delicious dinner, joined by that time by Aunt Mel, Uncle Aaron and Cooper. We were grateful to spend such a special day with family.