Saturday, September 8, 2012

Go Blue Unicorns!

Cassidy had her first-ever soccer game this morning, bright and early at 8am!  We scrambled out of the house to get to the field by 7:45am so she could "practice her moves," as she says.  The kindergarten teams play 4 vs. 4 with no goalie.  So, the little group of 4 girls from each team chased after the ball in a little clump and cheered happily whenever the ball happened to find a goal (even if they scored on their own matter!).  The oranges at halftime were a big hit and they loved running through the "tunnel" at the end of the game (all the parents line up across from each other, hands outstretched and cheer them on as they run though).  We are proud of our little #2...go Cassidy and team Blue Unicorns!

Warming up
Gametime huddle
Taking the field
Time for kick-off
Game time!

Our girl!