Thursday, June 6, 2013

The school year ends!

Another school year is in the books!  We ended the year with some fun classroom parties and a special Kindergarten graduation ceremony for Cassidy.  The school year really does fly by quickly - funny how at certain times throughout the year, it might not feel that way, but then all of a sudden summer is at our doorstep and it's time to say goodbye.  It was a wonderful year - but now we are ready to celebrate a relaxing summer!
Gavin at his class party with some of his best buds!
Gavin and his beloved teacher that he has had for 2 years - Miss Sasso
The morning of Kindergarten Graduation, ready to go!
The Graduate
Cassidy receives her Kindergarten diploma
We were so thankful to share the day with Grammy and Grandpa Brown!
Cassidy and her "BFF" Emmie - so sad that she is moving away this summer - she'll be missed!