Friday, July 12, 2013

4th of July Festivities

I always love 4th of July celebrations, festive and casual and right in the heart of summertime.  The past couple years, we have been doubling the fun because Wilmette celebrates on the 3rd, and the town just north of us, Winnetka, celebrates on the 4th - so we take it all in!

We went to Wilmette's lakefront party on the 3rd, and the kids had a ball...they had a giant slide, pony rides, live music, the list goes on.  After grabbing some hot dogs for dinner we walked over to a friend's annual backyard party with a great view of the night's lakefront fireworks.  This was the first year that we actually made it for these past years the kids were just too tired to stay awake until 9/10pm.  But we decided to roll with it this year and we all had so much fun.

The next night we went to another annual party held by our close friends, the Neals, who live in Winnetka (this party includes a dunk tank!), and afterwards we walked from their house over to their town's fireworks display.  They have wonderful fireworks here and the kids loved it!  I can't believe we kept the kids out past 10pm two nights in a row, that's pretty unheard of over here in the Brown house.  But they rallied and really had fun seeing so many friends and doing so much celebrating.  Happy 4th everyone!!!