Friday, October 25, 2013

Cassidy's first "Adventure Guides" weekend

Last weekend, Erik and Cassidy took off for an Adventure Guides weekend.  We are new to Adventure Guides this year - it's a program run through the YMCA that offers camping/outdoor recreation overnights for dads & daughters.  They pair the kids by school so you can bunk with friends and classmates.  It's such a neat idea and provides a really fun opportunity for dads to have some outdoor adventures with their daughters (and other fun dads!).

Erik and Cassidy rode to the campgrounds (about an hour away) with her good friend Emma and her dad.  Once there, the girls got to choose from a variety of activities.  Horseback riding and canoeing made their list, which Cassidy really enjoyed, and they also had wildlife speakers with live animals.  The weekend was a big hit and Cassidy is already asking about the spring trip!