Monday, March 23, 2015

Gavin's Birthday Extravaganza!

Gavin is 6!  Getting so big!  We had all sorts of fun to celebrate our special boy.  He awoke on March 12 to birthday balloons and sweet greetings from his siblings.  He wore a birthday crown all day at school, and for dinner we went out for cheeseburgers (his favorite) and came home for some birthday cake and presents.  The next day was a day off school for teacher meetings, so we had a downtown Chicago adventure - we spent the morning at Maggie Daley Park and followed that with the Museum of Science and Industry.  Dinner was at the Rainforest Cafe (their erupting volcano cake was #1 on his birthday wish list for months!).  Grammy and Grandpa Brown joined us, which was such a special treat!  To wrap up all the birthday fun, the following weekend Gavin had a triple birthday party (triple meaning joined with 2 other birthday boys from his class, his great friends James and Jack!) at our local rec center where they played 3 rounds of sports and had birthday cupcakes.  Whew!  So much fun and we are so grateful for Gavin!

Good Morning Birthday Boy!
Meatheads for Cheeseburgers!
Gavin requested a lizard cake
His latest "cool dude" pose.  :)

Gavin was so excited for a new Spiderman costume! (His old one was 2 sizes too small!)  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Reder!
Legos are a big hobby these days...
Maggie Daley Park!
The nest swings...
Almost fast asleep.  :)
This invention at the Museum of Science and Industry had their attention for a good while (it's where the little silver ball travels through all sorts of contraptions to reach the other end?)  So neat!
Fun times at the Rainforest Cafe
Gavin and Mommy :)
Silly Grandpa!
We were so happy to celebrate with Grammy and Grandpa Brown!
The volcano cake arrives
It's erupting!
Headed home after a very fun day.
The triple birthday party with all the Kindergarten boys from school...
The 3 March birthday boys!
One last celebration. Love you Gavin!