Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December Fun!

December is always a busy month.  So many festive things on the calendar!  We've been keeping busy with holiday festivities such as Breakfast with Santa, putting up a special "Star Wars" tree in the family room (Erik's Star Wars ornament collection finally grew large enough to require it's own set of branches!), musical Christmas programs at school, baking lots of Christmas cookies, taking family photos for the Christmas card, having snowball fights, finishing holiday decorating around the house, visiting the "Winter Wonderland" exhibit at the Botanic Gardens, enjoying holiday parties with friends, making gingerbread houses and finally, celebrating Christmas Eve at a beautiful church service. It's a non-stop party around here!  Thank goodness we have Santa to handle prepping the Christmas presents!
Family Photo, 2018

Tyler's Jr. Kindergarten Christmas Program

Decorating the Star Wars tree
Complete with a Death Star tree topper (!)
The manger that holds such meaning - I grew up with a similar one in my house, and my mom made a replica for each of my sisters and I to have.
Nighttime snowballs!
Reading Christmas stories

Breakfast with Santa

Making homemade playdoh

Making Christmas cookies

Decorating gingerbread houses
Gavin's 3rd grade class - Christmas program
Cassie's 5th grade class - Christmas program

Irish Dance Christmas Show - Cassie's the 4th one over, in the purple hat!

Dinner with great friends
Botanic Garden's Winter Wonderland

Christmas Eve Mass at SFX
Christmas Eve - opening 1 gift from each other!

Milk & Cookies! (And carrots and letters!)