Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Erik Takes the Stage!

We are all so proud of Erik! He was selected as a keynote speaker at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans that took place last week. The company Erik works for, West Monroe Partners, built an interactive map for the City of Chicago's "Taste of Chicago" event, and they used a Microsoft product in their design. Here's a link to view the map they created:

As a result of the great response, Microsoft wanted to highlight their work at their large partner conference, and Erik was chosen to speak on his team's behalf. His audience was a daunting 1,400 people, but he was confident as ever and gave a very engaging speech (even for us non-techies!). We are so proud of him!!!

The conference was videotaped, and Erik is introduced at 13:30 - here is a link to watch it!

Way to go, Erik!