Friday, July 17, 2009

It's a Grand Old Flag

Cassidy has fallen in love with flags. She favors the American flag, but really any flying flag will do. When my mom had her hip surgery at the end of May, Cassie brought along one of her small American flags to wave around as we drove. When we arrived, she walked inside with flag in-hand, and my mom started to sing "It's a Grand Old Flag" from the hospital bed that was temporarily set up in the dining room area. Cassie proceeded to march around the foyer of the house waving her flag as Grandma sung, and from that moment on we don't simply see American flags around town - we see "grand old flags." Every single car ride, the dialogue from the back seat goes something like this: "It's a grand old flag! Look! It's another grand old flag! And another grand old flag!" Giggles and squeals galore. What a funny little girl. Between Flag Day in June and the 4th in July, not to mention all the patriotic folks that keep their flags up year-round here - she's in heaven.

So of course...4th of July was a very exciting time this year! We spent the holiday weekend in Rockford, as has become tradition. The Hardings come up as well, and we spend the weekend relaxing poolside and blasting off fireworks from the driveway. Cassie does not have the same love for fireworks as she does for flags. She stayed outside for about 2 minutes of Grandpa's show, and she clutched onto Uncle Steve for dear life. She was actually so terrified that she wouldn't even speak, so we quickly whisked her back in the house to relax with Mommy, Grandma and Kelsey. Once she recovered, she began to share her opinions. "Boys too LOUD!" "Fireworks too LOUD!" "I love parachutes." (The one firework that she enjoyed since a miniature parachute guy came swirling down to the ground.) Even now, weeks later, she still reminds me at least once per day that those boys were too loud.

But all other aspects of 4th of July were great fun - not only for Cassie but for the rest of us too. Gavin was passed all around and got lots of great time on the swing out back, and we got to enjoy a backyard BBQ with Grandpa manning the grill. Mom continues to recover wonderfully from her surgery and gets around with only a little help from a cane - fantastic progress for only 7 weeks time!